
Thursday, April 21, 2011

The sweetness of brothers!

This is the beginning of what I hope to make a semi-consistent attempt at blogging... I love the idea of telling our story, having all our experiences collected in one place.  It seems like a great way to look back on things.  I just hope that I can find some consistent time to put it all down here!

So, let me begin...
Yesterday, the boys and I took a little time to play out front.  And, of course, I brought my camera!  I love to take pictures of my boys more than anything else... I have thousands of pictures of them.  Most of them just sit on my computer just waiting to be looked at, and someday put into some form of album or scrapbook.  BUT, considering that I hardly even have time to write a post like this one, who knows when that will ever happen!  Nevertheless, its pictures like these that make me want to get giant sized prints and cover every possible surface of my walls with these sweet faces!  My favorite part about them is that the sweetness is genuine.  My boys LOVE each other!  It will be so interesting when Sister joins us, but considering their current level of sweetness, I'm sure she will be smothered with love by her brothers.  I am so thankful for my boys, their gentleness, sweetness, and love.  The more I think about it, I guess I have to admit that God knew exactly what he was doing adding a girl to this pair of boys.  We are blessed beyond measure...